Publishing ethics

 | Post date: 2024/01/30 | 

Responsibilities of Editorial Board:
  • Evaluation of new submissions to determine whether it is within the journal’s scope is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief
  • It is Editor’s-in-chief responsibility to inform the selected reviewers and accepting or rejecting an article.
  • Assigning a specialized editor related to the topic of each article is one of the Editor’s-in-chief responsibilities.
  • The editor-in-chief and the editorial board return articles in which the interests of individuals, institutions, and specific companies are observed or personal relationships are involved.
  • The editor-in-chief and the editorial board make every effort to announce the results of the evaluation as quickly as possible.
  • Prevention of conflict of interest is among the responsibilities of the editor-in-chief and the members of the editorial board.
  • The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board are obligated to preserve and keep confidential the information contained in the submitted articles until the articles are accepted.
  • The prevention of accepting articles that have not observed ethical principles in their publication and research is among the duties and responsibilities of the editor-in-chief and the members of the editorial board.
  • The editor-in-chief is obligated to take action towards the quick removal of published articles that it is determined have not observed ethical publishing and research practices.
Authors' commitments:
  • Articles must be in the specialized fields of the journal and the result of the author's or authors' research (original). Any use of other people's research should be cited in the article.
  • Article or any part of it should not be under review or published simultaneously in any journal inside or outside the country. However, articles presented as abstracts in congresses and domestic or foreign seminars that have been published can be presented in the form of a complete article
  • For this reason, presenting a commitment letter by the author, stating not to submit the article to other journals for publication or review at the time of registration and article submission, is mandatory.
  • Authors are committed to preparing articles in a scientific, coherent, and in accordance with the standards of the journal. For this purpose, the method used in the articles must be fully and accurately reported in a way that the results of the article are reproducible for others.
  • Avoid expressing unethical, tasteful, personal and fake and incorrect information and translating other people's works without mentioning the title in the article. Some examples of unethical behavior in publishing and research are: reporting unreal and fake content, fabrication, Falsification and Plagiarism.
  • Authors are committed to informing the journal of any errors or inaccuracies in their article at any time, and to take steps to correct it or retract the article.
  • Individuals who have a significant contribution to the work are mentioned as co-authors or acknowledged as collaborators
  • The responsibility for correspondence lies with the corresponding author.
Responsibilities of Reviewers:
  • By reviewing the quality, content, and scientific aspects of the articles, the referees assist the editor of the journal in improving and enhancing the quality and content of the articles either directly or through the journal's office.
  • After the initial review, the selected referees must immediately inform the editor-in-chief of the journal about their decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article.
  • All information in the article is considered confidential, and the referee is obliged to maintain it.
  • Referees are expected to evaluate articles based on scientific documents and refrain from personal, subjective, occupational, racial, religious, and other biases in reviewing their articles.
  • It is appropriate for referees to avoid accepting the review of articles that are not closely related to their field of expertise and cannot be fairly evaluated by them.
  • Referees are expected to pay attention to the sources used in the article. All the research, topics, and quotations used in the article must be accompanied by complete references in the reference list.
  • The referee is not allowed to have direct contact with the author regarding the articles under review. Any communication with the authors will only be conducted through the journal's office.
The ethical principles of publishing an article:
  •   Iranian Journal of Ceramic Science & Engineering follows the recommendations provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal is free to reject or accept, edit or modify the received articles.
  • Article editing is done with the authors' opinions and the responsibility for the accuracy of the content of the articles lies with the authors. The article written will be considered as a trust with the journal office until the time of publication.
  • The peer review process in this journal is of the double-blind type, where the reviewer is unaware of the author's identity, and vice versa.

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