Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2013)                   2013, 2(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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The effect of silicon particle size on pressureless sintering of boron carbide nano composites. Iranian Journal of Ceramic Science & Engineering 2013; 2 (2)
URL: http://ijcse.ir/article-1-119-en.html
Abstract:   (12634 Views)
In the present article the effect of silicon particle size on sinerability and physical and mechanical properties of boron carbide were investigated. Different weight percents of silicon particles (2.5 -10) with various average sizes (200 nm & 100 μm) were added into Boron carbide to manufacture B4C-Si Composite. Samples were pressed by uniaxial pressing and pressureless sintered at 2200 °C. Density measurements and microhardness tests were carried out to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of composites. Microstructures of the samples were also investigated by using scanning electron microscopy. With adding silicon particles the relative density and microhardness of boron carbide improved. The maximum properties were attained when 7.5 wt.% micro and nano-silicon particles were added into composite. For specimens with micron silicon particles, maximum relative density and micro hardness were 92% and 32.2 GPa respectively and for specimens with nano silicon particles, maximum relative density and micro hardness were 87.74% and 28.3 GPa respectively.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Tile, Porcelain, Glaze, Pigment and Ink
Received: 2013/10/12 | Accepted: 2013/09/15

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