Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2012)                   2012, 1(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Effect of temperature and type of carbon on synthesis of MgAl2O4-Ti (C, N) composite by aluminothermic reduction. Iranian Journal of Ceramic Science & Engineering 2012; 1 (1)
URL: http://ijcse.ir/article-1-26-en.html
Abstract:   (16310 Views)
Titanium nitride and carbonitride have high melting point and good chemical resistance to slag. Composites of Ti(C,N) and TiN with oxides and non-oxide ceramic have potential application in structural and refractory industries. In this paper the synthesis of MgAl2O4-Ti(C,N) composites by aluminothermic reduction from MgO, Al and TiO2 mix in coke bed was investigated. The effect of carbon black and sugar to above mix was also determined. The bodies after pressing, were fired in coke bed in temperature range 1200-1600˚C in electrical furnace. MgTi2O5, Corundum, rutile and suboxides of titanium phases were present at 1200-1300˚C in the microstructure. By increasing the temperature to 1400 and 1600˚C for sugar and carbon black containing samples respectively, MgAl2O4 and Ti(C,N) phases were established as main phases.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Tile, Porcelain, Glaze, Pigment and Ink
Received: 2012/10/6 | Accepted: 2012/10/6

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