Volume 9, Issue 3 (11-2020)                   2020, 9(3): 37-57 | Back to browse issues page

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Ancient Pottery and Archaeometry; Investigations on the technology of pottery manufacturing process from Aliabad culture in Dehno, Shahdad periphery, Southeast of Iran (3750-3250 BC). Iranian Journal of Ceramic Science & Engineering 2020; 9 (3) :37-57
URL: http://ijcse.ir/article-1-801-en.html
Abstract:   (2613 Views)
The distribution and trade of pottery from Ali-Abad culture, which dates back to the fourth millennium BC, can be seen in various regions of southeastern Iran, including Kerman, Makran and West Balochistan, Pakistan. .
Dahno in Shahdad periphery located in the south-east of Iran, in Kerman province is not an exception, and includes this type of pottery as well. In the present study, the potteries have studied scientifically in order to find the technology and provenance of these materials by examining their microstructure and related mineralogical characterizationand.
Petrography, XRD, ESEM-EDS and pXRF is appliede in order to investigate the micro-structur, mineralogy and manufacturing technique. The results of the analyzes on the pottery indicate the use of the same resources in the manufacture of these kind of potteries. By comparing them with the geological formations of the region, one can be seen that prehistoric potters of the Shahdad applied similar soils from the regional reservouire.
The potteries observed can be divided into two sections in terms of matrix character; red clay  and green matrix. All of which have similar mineralogical additives. In regard to the firing temperatures, the potteries classifiede in two categories, pottery with a cooking temperature of less than 850°C, and pottery firing temperature 900°C to 1000°C.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Bioceramics
Received: 2020/12/26 | Accepted: 2020/11/30

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