Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2022)                   2022, 11(2): 82-93 | Back to browse issues page

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ramezani A H, asgary S, ebrahiminezhad Z. The Effects Of Interfacial Roughness On The Argon Ion Implanted Tantalum Films. Iranian Journal of Ceramic Science & Engineering 2022; 11 (2) :82-93
URL: http://ijcse.ir/article-1-896-en.html
1- In the present study, effect of interfacial roughness on the ion implanted Tantalum based surfaces has been investigated. The argon ions with energy of 30 keV and in doses of 1×〖10〗^17, 3×〖10〗^17, 5×〖10〗^17, 7×〖10〗^17, and 10×〖10〗^17 (ion/cm2) have been used at ambient temperature. The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), analysis have been used to study and characterize the surfaces morphology. The effect of roughness through the ion implantation on the transport properties has been studied. The produced samples thin films are rough and therefore the transmission probability has been reduced. There was a significant change in areas of samples; such as roughness, grain size, its distribution for the un-implanted sample, and samples implanted with argon ions. The contributions of scattered components the transmission probability of samples which have been implanted by lower doses of ions are more dominant rather than those implanted by bigger doses of ions. Also, based on our results, by increasing the ion doses, the current density of thin films increase. , ramezani.1972@gmail.com
2- In the present study, effect of interfacial roughness on the ion implanted Tantalum based surfaces has been investigated. The argon ions with energy of 30 keV and in doses of 1×〖10〗^17, 3×〖10〗^17, 5×〖10〗^17, 7×〖10〗^17, and 10×〖10〗^17 (ion/cm2) have been used at ambient temperature. The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), analysis have been used to study and characterize the surfaces morphology. The effect of roughness through the ion implantation on the transport properties has been studied. The produced samples thin films are rough and therefore the transmission probability has been reduced. There was a significant change in areas of samples; such as roughness, grain size, its distribution for the un-implanted sample, and samples implanted with argon ions. The contributions of scattered components the transmission probability of samples which have been implanted by lower doses of ions are more dominant rather than those implanted by bigger doses of ions. Also, based on our results, by increasing the ion doses, the current density of thin films increase.
Abstract:   (1473 Views)
 In the present study, effect of interfacial roughness on the ion implanted Tantalum based surfaces has been investigated. The argon ions with energy of 30 keV and in doses of 1017 , 1017 , 1017 , 1017 , and 10×1017  (ion/cm2) have been used at ambient temperature. The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), analysis have been used to study and characterize the surfaces morphology. The effect of roughness through the ion implantation on the transport properties has been studied. The produced samples thin films are rough and therefore the transmission probability has been reduced. There was a significant change in areas of samples; such as roughness, grain size, its distribution for the un-implanted sample, and samples implanted with argon ions. The contributions of scattered components the transmission probability of samples which have been implanted by lower doses of ions are more dominant rather than those implanted by bigger doses of ions. Also, based on our results, by increasing the ion doses, the current density of thin films increase.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Nanomaterials
Received: 2022/02/14 | Accepted: 2021/08/1

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